
Considerable time savings in studies and dimensioning: Thanks to code generation and trial and error automation process, Pro@DESIGN allows savings of time for a 3 to 10 factor in preliminary design.

Huge reduction of total costs :

  • Pro@DESIGN makes it possible to optimize technical-economical models for technical performances improvement, reduction of manufacturing costs, product weight, dimensioning of whole product range or system using combination models and pooling of the constraints.
  • Pro@DESIGN increases initial quality of your design because it enables you to save time, and to make an analysis of the sensitivity of the solution.
  • Lastly, thanks to an automatic code generation, it strongly reduces the costs of internally developed programs maintenance.

Knowledge Management : Pro@DESIGN

  • Facilitate capitalization, share and transfer of knowledge since it  speaks in the engineer’s language : mathematics.
  • Also facilitate collaborative preliminary design by pooling of each specialist equations.
  • Help with modeling and the increase in knowledge because it is nimble and makes it possible to approach complexity.
Features Benefits
Automatic code generation Time and Creativity: No more program writing faster answer to model modification.
Formal exact derivatives generation Time and Optimization: Helps the Pro@DESIGN-Optimize SQP based algorithm to find a solution where numerical derivatives fail.
Implicit or cyclic system handling Time and creativity :The expert designer focuses his talent into writing the model, no more into solving it. No need to reverse the equations.
Pro@DESIGN-Generate deals with the engineer language : mathematics. Maintainability and knowledge mana- gement: Easier to maintain than in computer programs or spreadsheets. The knowledge is explicit, easier to capitalize, share and transfer.
Pro@DESIGN-Optimize deals with hundreds of constraints by fixed value or interval. Sizing of heavy constrained problems: No input/output notions in the specification sheet. Hence, both inputs and outputs are constrained in Pro@DESIGN-Optimize.
Uses an optimization algorithm to find a sizing. Time divided by 10 : Suppress the time consuming Try/Error sizing cycle. Automated feasibility, sizing and optimization process to minimize the costs of these Try/Error cycles.
Sensibility computing and drafting in Pro@DESIGN-Compute. Robust design : Pro@DESIGN-Compute helps the designer to analyze the sensibility of the sizing solution.
Pro@DESIGN-Optimize post processing. Time and knowledge : Enables the designer to analyze the sizing solution, and to evaluate the influence of optimization’s parameters. Helps you to find the over-constrained parameters in case of failure.

What is an analytical model ?

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